Embodied Design Methods

In several projects I employ and further embodied design methods, to understand and address the social and physical context of the design situation by harnessing the bodily, social, and situated experience of those participating.  Some of these methods are Embodied SketchingBodystorming, and Sensory Bodystorming.


I also use embodied design explorations in techology design projects to test and iterate the technological artefacts used; to explore and consider the nuanced relationships between multiple design resources that are intertwined.


Part of my research investigates how to document these methods, which is challenging due to the ephemerality and elusiveness of the emerging design knowledge and constructs.


Related Publications

Turmo Vidal, L., Márquez Segura, E., Boyer, C., Waern, A. (2019). Enlightened Yoga: Designing an Augmented Class with Wearable Lights to Support Instruction. In Proceedings of the 2019 Designing Interactive Systems Conference. DIS'19. (in press).


Turmo Vidal, L., Márquez Segura, E., & Waern, A. (2018b). Sensory Bodystorming for Collocated Physical Training Design. In Proceedings of the 10th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. NordiCHI'18.


Turmo Vidal, L., Márquez Segura, E. (2018). Documenting the Elusive and Ephemeral in Embodied Design Ideation Activities. in Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, Special Issue Designing for the Body.


Márquez Segura, E., Turmo Vidal, L., & Rostami, A. (2016). Bodystorming for movement-based interaction design. Human Technology: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Humans in ICT Environments.


Márquez Segura, E., Turmo Vidal, L., Rostami, A., & Waern, A. (2016). Embodied Sketching. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 6014–6027). CHI'16.