Laia Turmo Vidal

Interaction Design Researcher


Hello! I am Laia, and I explore the intersection of interaction design, body experiences, and well-being.

My research investigates novel sensorial and body-centered interactive paradigms to design for health and well-being. In particular, I focus on sensory-driven digital innovations that transform how we perceive, interact with, and relate to our bodies. My premise is that designing these transformations through careful entanglements between bodies, technologies, materials and practices can create novel and sustainable ways to foster physical, emotional and social well-being.

My work combines Research through Design, physical prototyping, material experiences and body-centered design methodologies. I am deeply committed to designing for a plurality of bodies, and to do so I draw from theories such as phenomenology and feminism, and apply participatory and soma design methods. I am also deeply committed to positively contribute to people’s quality of life. Thus, I have worked extensively on designing digital interventions for various populations in everyday health and well-being domains, including sports and fitness, rehabilitation, physical inactivity, and professional dance.

My broader research interests include wearable and tangible technology, body perception, personalization, and the development of methodologies that center the human body and movement in design.

Besides research, I enjoy drawing and photoembroidery, physical activity and spending time walking and foraging the forests and lakes of Sweden. You can get in contact with me through: